
Vampires Vs Zombies

First off I want to say all Anne Rice, Richard Matheson, and Bram Stoker vampires do not apply. Because of this I will take out George A. Romero, to make it even. The reason I took out the first three is because they stuck to the basic Vampire guide lines: Cant go out during the day, steak through the heart...etc. I also apologize if this seems one sided because I have a dick, not a vagina.
Seems like zombie movies have always stayed on the same guide lines. Well how can one really change it up with zombies besides making them fast? It seems to me that as of lately people are changing it up way too much with vampires. Making these people extreme douche bags. If vampires could go out during the day in The Lost Boys, the movie would be over in five minutes. The whole mysterious and awesome part about vampire is because they have a dark night time feel to them. I know for a fact that every guy knows exactly what they would do during a zombie invasion if/when it happens (thats right). I really cannot see why people are obsessed with vampires recently, do you want to be one? That is not going to help you during a zombie invasion.
I am going to stop there for now, there will most likely be a part two. I don't want to come off pro-zombie (which I am). I will leave you with some topics you can comment on:

Edward Cullen, Twilight Vs. Lestat, Interview with the Vampire
Catherine Hardwicke, Director Twilight Vs. Danny Boyle, Director 28 Days Later

1 comment:

  1. Catherine Hardwicke should be fucking lobotomized. and then chief can smother her with a pillow and break out of the institution.
